HOPin Incubation Graduation and Pitch Competition: Celebrating Innovation and Mentorship

The HOPin Incubation Program since its inception has provided a supportive ecosystem for startups to grow and reach new heights. The initiative has empowered over 150 innovative startups. Having successfully nurtured creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship for a duration of four months, celebrates a remarkable milestone this year.

On July 9, 2024, the Incubation program held its graduation and pitch competition under the theme “Building the Future Together: Celebrating Inclusive Innovation and Mentorship.” This event brought together innovative entrepreneurs, industry experts, and investors to celebrate the program’s success and witness the next generation of startups showcase their ideas.

This year’s HOPin Incubation Program has supported eight early-stage businesses. The program adopts a comprehensive training module that includes mentorship, attachments, access to resources, and funding. Its primary objective is to empower entrepreneurs to transform their concepts into viable and sustainable businesses, creating a positive impact on the economy and society, thereby addressing the challenge of rural-urban migration in the Northern Region.

The pitch competition marked the end of the 16-week incubation period. Eight teams—Mind Springs, Mani Technology, AMD Solar, Tankoro Tech, Khalimatu Sadia Ent, Talk Station, GreenHusk Innovation Ltd, and Healthy Green Nutrition Enterprise—pitched their enterprises to a panel of experienced judges.

The judges, Nadia Alid (CEO of ZLB Enterprise), Linda Coffee (Founder of Women’s Agriculture Development Fund), and Vincent Sewagudde (Agribusiness Development Advisor with MBC Africa-Ghana), evaluated the pitches based on their viability, impact, and potential for growth.

After a fierce competition, three teams emerged as winners: Mani Technology, Mind Springs, and GreenHusk Innovations Ltd, receiving cash prizes. The winners together with the rest of the teams will receive continuous support from HOPin; which includes the use of the co-working space at HOPin Academy (https://www.hopinacademy.org/ , Business Advisory services, onboarding on an online marketplace (Daani https://daanigh.com/ ), join the Northern Social Enterprises Network (NSEN https://northernsenetwork.org/ ) and mentorship opportunities.

Muniratu Abdullai, the Program Coordinator stated that the event was not only a celebration of the program’s achievements but also a testament to HOPin Academy’s commitment to fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and mentorship in the region.

The keynote speaker, Mrs. Linda Coffie, inspired the audience with her insights on innovation and entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of inclusive innovation and mentorship in building a sustainable future.

The HOPin Incubation Program’s impact on the startup ecosystem is evident in the success of its participants. With its focus on practical learning, mentorship, and access to resources, the program continues to empower entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into viable businesses, driving economic growth and social impact.

The future of the startup ecosystem in Northern Ghana looks bright, and the HOPin Incubation Program is at the forefront of shaping this future.

As the program continues to grow and evolve, it remains committed to its mission of empowering entrepreneurs and shaping the future of the startup ecosystem. The graduation and pitch competition were a celebration of inclusive innovation and mentorship, and a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation.

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