30 Ladies Trained on Digital Media in Tamale
The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected the lives of many and has brought a halt to economic activities. Therefore, economies have had to rely on ICT to keep business activities in progress. This means that a lot of people who are not digitally inclined will lose out on their jobs and businesses and or be redundant.

In order to curb the problem of redundancy, Ghana Tech Lab and Soronko Academy in partnership with HOPin Academy organized a three-week intensive training on digital media for females in Tamale.
The program sought to train females who are unemployed graduates within the age range of 18 to 35 on digital media skills such as graphic design, phone photography, phone videography(shooting and editing on phone), social media marketing, digital marketing, WhatsApp for business, storytelling and content development.
Like every other program run by the Academy, we had over 100 applicants but 30 were selected after a thorough selection process. The interview was on the 26th of February, 2021. One of the key observations during the interview process was that most of the applicants were business owners who lacked the adequate digital media skills to scale up and compete with businesses beyond the region.
We had our first engagement on Monday, 1st March 2021 with the participants. We commenced with the introduction to graphic design and ended with storytelling. The training was practice-oriented and the participants appreciated the skills they had gained.
The program ended on Friday, 19th March 2021. On the said day, participants had a virtual call with the CEO of Soronko Academy. She shared her strengths, weaknesses, and success to inspire the participants. Afterward, the trainees delivered their pitches on creative briefs. We had the thirty participants pitch their creative briefs with outstanding designs. We graced the event with awarding certificates to participants and a group photograph with panelists and participants.